
Chapter 2

  • P. 45: The in-text Poisson model estimates for baseline hazards should be \(\widehat{\alpha}_1 = 0.090\) \((0.064, 0.127)\), \(\widehat{\alpha}_2 = 0.132\) \((0.089, 0.194)\), \(\widehat{\alpha}_3 = 0.092\) \((0.034, 0.251)\). See also code and output.

  • P. 46, l. -6: The normal range for albumin is from 35g/L and up, so the first knot is \(a_1=35\) (as in Table 2.6).

Chapter 3

  • Section 3.3, p. 76: A right bracket was missing before \(dt\) in \[\sum_i\left(\int_0^{\infty}\log\bigl(Y_i(t)\alpha_0(t)\exp(\mathbf{\beta}^{\sf T}\mathbf{Z}_i)\bigr)dN_i(t)-\int_0^{\infty}Y_i(t)\alpha_0(t)\exp(\mathbf{\beta}^{\sf T}\mathbf{Z}_i)dt\right)\]
  • Exercise 3.12, p. 116: Replace Table 2.12 by Table 3.2

Chapter 4

  • Section 4.1.1, p. 119: The first sum in the first equation should also be \(u\leq t\), i.e., \[-\log(S(t))=\sum_{u\leq t}-\log(1-\alpha(u)\Delta) \approx \sum_{u\leq t}\alpha(u)\Delta\]

  • P. 136, middle: In Table 4.4 it is assumed that censoring depends on treatment.

Chapter 5

  • P. 170, l. 5: Section (2.3) should be Section (2.5)

  • Section 5.1.3, p. 168: The equation for \(\frac{\partial}{\partial t}P_{01}(s,t)\) should read \[\frac{\partial}{\partial t}P_{01}(s,t)=P_{00}(s,t)\alpha_{01}(t)-P_{01}(s,t)\alpha_{12}(t)\]

  • Table 5.1, p. 178: At risk at landmark time 0 should be \(2009\).

  • Table 5.6 (b), p. 213: Treatment estimate in adjusted model is negative, i.e., \(-0.520\).

Chapter 6

  • Exercise 6.1.2, p. 243: A right bracket is missing after \(dN(u)\) in the second denominator

  • Exercise 6.1.2, p. 243: a factor \(n\) is missing on the r.h.s. of the equation for \(\frac{\partial \widehat{S}^w(t)}{\partial w_i}\vert_{\mathbf{w}=1/n}\)

  • Exercise 6.5, p. 244: We should compare with Exercise 4.5 instead of 4.4 and it makes no sense to compare with Exercise 5.8