1  Introduction and data sets

In the book, examples of event history data are used to illustrate different methods, models and approaches. All the data sets, except the LEADER data, are available for download as CSV files and description of the variables is given below.

1.1 PBC3 trial in liver cirrhosis

Download pbc3.csv

Variable name Description
id patient id
unit hospital
days follow-up time in days
status 0 = censoring, 1 = transplantation, 2 = death without transplantation
tment randomized treatment: 0 = placebo, 1 = CyA
sex 0 = female, 1 = male
age age in years
bili bilirubin (micromoles/L)
alb albumin (g/L)
stage disease stage: 2 = I-II, 3 = III, 4 = IV

Read data and in-text summary

Code show/hide
pbc3 <- read.csv("data/pbc3.csv")
pbc3$fail <- ifelse(pbc3$status != 0, 1, 0) # event/failure indicator
pbc3$tment_char <- ifelse(pbc3$tment == 0, "Placebo", "CyA")
      CyA Placebo Sum
  0   132     127 259
  1    14      15  29
  2    30      31  61
  Sum 176     173 349
Code show/hide
proc import out=pbc3
    dbms=csv replace;
proc freq data=pbc3;
  table status*tment;

1.2 Guinea-Bissau childhood vaccination study

Download bissau.csv

Variable name Description
id child id
cluster cluster id
fuptime follow-up time (days)
dead 0 = alive, 1 = dead
bcg bcg vaccination status at initial visit: 0 = no, 1 = yes
dtp no of dtp vaccinations at initial visit
sex 0 = female, 1 = male
age age in days at initial visit

Read data and Table 1.1

Code show/hide
bissau <- read.csv("data/bissau.csv")
bissau$vaccine <- 1*(bissau$bcg==1 | bissau$dtp>0)
# Table 1.1

         0    1  Sum
  0   1847   95 1942
  1   3205  127 3332
  Sum 5052  222 5274
Code show/hide
with(bissau, table(vaccine, dead)) / rowSums(with(bissau, table(vaccine, dead)))
vaccine          0          1
      0 0.95108136 0.04891864
      1 0.96188475 0.03811525


Code show/hide
proc_freq(bissau, tables = vaccine*dead, output = report)
     CAT Statistic          0          1      Total
1      0 Frequency 1847.00000  95.000000 1942.00000
2      0   Percent   35.02086   1.801289   36.82215
3      0   Row Pct   95.10814   4.891864         NA
4      0   Col Pct   36.55978  42.792793         NA
5      1 Frequency 3205.00000 127.000000 3332.00000
6      1   Percent   60.76981   2.408039   63.17785
7      1   Row Pct   96.18848   3.811525         NA
8      1   Col Pct   63.44022  57.207207         NA
9  Total Frequency 5052.00000 222.000000 5274.00000
10 Total   Percent   95.79067   4.209329  100.00000
Code show/hide
proc import out=bissau
    dbms=csv replace;
data bissau; 
    set bissau; 
    vaccine= bcg=1 or dtp>0; 
proc freq data=bissau; 
    table vaccine*dead;

1.3 Testis cancer incidence and maternal parity

Download testis.csv

Variable name Description
age age of son
0 = 0-14 years
15 = 15-19 years
20 = 20-24 years
25 = 25-29 years
30 = 30+ years
pyrs person years at risk
cases number of testis cancer cases
semi number of seminoma cases
nonsemi number of non-seminoma cases
parity parity of mother at birth of son
cohort son cohort (year of birth)
1950 = 1950-1957
1958 = 1958-1962
1963 = 1963-1967
1968 = 1968-1972
1973 = 1973-1992
motherage mother’s age at birth of son
12 = 12-19
20 = 20-24
25 = 25-29
30 = 30+

Read data and in-text summary

Code show/hide
testis <- read.csv("data/testis.csv")
# Add extra variables
testis$lpyrs <- log(testis$pyrs)
testis$par2 <- as.numeric(testis$parity < 2)

proc_means(testis, var = v(pyrs, cases, semi, nonsemi) , stats=v(sum), class=par2)
1   <NA>    0  237    pyrs 15981967
2   <NA>    0  237   cases      626
3   <NA>    0  237    semi      183
4   <NA>    0  237 nonsemi      443
5      0    1  176    pyrs  8009691
6      0    1  176   cases      228
7      0    1  176    semi       62
8      0    1  176 nonsemi      166
9      1    1   61    pyrs  7972276
10     1    1   61   cases      398
11     1    1   61    semi      121
12     1    1   61 nonsemi      277
Code show/hide
proc import out=testis
    dbms=csv replace;
data testis; 
  set testis; 
  par2 = (parity>=2); 
proc means data=testis sum;
  var pyrs cases semi nonsemi;
proc means data=testis sum;
  class par2;
  var cases pyrs;

1.4 PROVA trial in liver cirrhosis

Download prova.csv

Variable name Description
id patient id
timedeath followup time (days)
death 0 = alive, 1 = dead
timebleed time to bleeding (days); missing if bleed = 0
bleed 0 = no bleeding, 1 = bleeding
beta 0 = no propranolol, 1 = propranolol
scle 0 = no sclerotherapy, 1 = sclerotherapy
sex 0 = female, 1 = male
age age (years)
bili bilirubin (micromoles/L)
coag coagulation factors (% of normal)
varsize variceal size: 1 = small, 2 = medium, 3 = large

Read data and Table 1.2

Code show/hide
prova <- read.csv("data/prova.csv", na.strings = c("."))
# Treatment 2x2 factorial
prova$beh <- with(prova, as.factor(scle + beta*2))
# 0 = none
# 1 = sclerotherapy only
# 2 = propranolol only
# 3 = both
with(prova, table(beh))
 0  1  2  3 
72 73 68 73 
Code show/hide
# Bleeding
with(prova, table(beh, bleed))
beh  0  1
  0 59 13
  1 60 13
  2 56 12
  3 61 12
Code show/hide
# Death
with(prova, table(beh, death))
beh  0  1
  0 56 16
  1 55 18
  2 57 11
  3 43 30
Code show/hide
# Death w/o bleed
with(subset(prova, bleed == 0), table(beh, death))
beh  0  1
  0 51  8
  1 47 13
  2 51  5
  3 41 20
Code show/hide
# Death after bleed
with(subset(prova, bleed == 1), table(beh, death))
beh  0  1
  0  5  8
  1  8  5
  2  6  6
  3  2 10
Code show/hide
proc import out=prova
    dbms=csv replace;
data prova; 
    set prova; 
    beh = scle + beta*2; 
0 = none
1 = sclerotherapy only
2 = propranolol only
3 = both
proc freq data=prova; 
    table beh beh*bleed beh*death bleed*beh*death; 

1.5 Recurrent episodes in affective disorders

Download affective.csv

Note, that all patients start in state 1 (in hospital).

Variable name Description
id patient id
episode number of affective episodes
state Status at time start:
0 = no current affective episode, 1 = current affective episode
start start time in state (months)
stop last time seen in state (months)
status status at time stop:
0 = transition to state 0
1 = transition to state 1
2 = transition to death
3 = censoring
bip 0 = unipolar, 1 = bipolar
sex 0 = female, 1 = male
age age (years)
year year of initial episode

Read data and in-text summary

Code show/hide
affective <- read.csv("data/affective.csv")
[1] 119
Code show/hide
[1] 98
Code show/hide
[1] 21
Code show/hide
# The patients starts in state 1 (at hospital)
[1] 5.554622
Code show/hide

  0   1   2   3 
626 542  78  41 
Code show/hide
proc import out=affective
    dbms=csv replace;
proc sql;
  select bip, count(distinct id) as n
  from affective
    group by bip;   
proc freq data=affective;
  table status;

1.6 LEADER cardiovascular trial in type 2 diabetes

Data not available for download.

Two data sets are used in the code:

Recurrent MI: leader_mi

Recurrent myocardial infarction (MI) with all-cause death as competing risk.

Variable name Description
id patient id
start start time to event (days since randomization)
stop stop time (days since randomization)
status status at stop:
0 = censoring
1 = recurrent myocardial infarction
2 = all cause death
eventno event number (1, 2, 3, …)
treat randomized treatment: 0 = placebo, 1 = liraglutide

Recurrent 3-p MACE: leader_3p

Recurrent events of a 3-point MACE (major adverse cardiovascular events) consisting of non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, or cardiovascular death.

Variable name Description
id patient id
start start time to event (days since randomization)
stop stop time (days since randomization)
status status at stop:
0 = censoring
1 = recurrent myocardial infarction
2 = recurrent stroke
3 = cardiovascular death
4 = non-cardiovascular death
eventno event number (1, 2, 3, …)
treat randomized treatment: 0 = placebo, 1 = liraglutide

Read data and Table 1.3

Assume that the LEADER data sets are loaded.

Code show/hide
# For recurrent MI
length(unique(leader_mi$id)) # n randomized
[1] 9340
Code show/hide
with(subset(leader_mi,treat==1), length(unique(id))) # n for liraglutide
[1] 4668
Code show/hide
with(subset(leader_mi,treat==0), length(unique(id))) # n for placebo
[1] 4672
Code show/hide
with(subset(leader_mi, eventno==1), table(status, treat))  # >=1 event and dead/censored before 1st event
status    0    1
     0 3960 4047
     1  339  292
     2  373  329
Code show/hide
with(subset(leader_mi, status==1), table(treat)) # Total events
  0   1 
421 359 
Code show/hide
# For recurrent 3p MACE
length(unique(leader_3p$id)) # n randomized
[1] 9340
Code show/hide
with(subset(leader_3p,treat==1), length(unique(id))) # n for liraglutide
[1] 4668
Code show/hide
with(subset(leader_3p,treat==0), length(unique(id))) # n for placebo
[1] 4672
Code show/hide
with(subset(leader_3p, eventno==1), table(status, treat))  # >=1 event and dead/censored before 1st event
status    0    1
     0 3845 3923
     1  325  286
     2  181  163
     3  188  159
     4  133  137
Code show/hide
with(subset(leader_3p, status==1), table(treat)) # Total events
  0   1 
421 359 
Code show/hide
* Recurrent MI;
data leader_mi; 
    set leader; 
    where type = "recurrent_mi"; 
proc sql;
  select treat, count(distinct id) as n
  from leader_mi
    group by treat
  select . as treat, count(distinct id) as total
  from leader_mi;   

* >=1 event and dead/censored before 1st event;
proc freq data=leader_mi; 
  where eventno=1;
    tables status*treat; 
* Total events;
proc freq data=leader_mi; 
  where status=1;
    tables treat; 

* Recurrent 3p-MACE;
data leader_3p; 
    set leader; 
    where type = "recurrent_comb"; 
proc sql;
  select treat, count(distinct id) as n
  from leader_3p
    group by treat
  select . as treat, count(distinct id) as total
  from leader_3p;   
* >=1 event and dead/censored before 1st event;
proc freq data=leader_3p; 
  where eventno=1;
    tables status*treat; 
* Total events;
proc freq data=leader_3p; 
  where status=1;
    tables treat; 

1.7 Bone marrow transplantation in acute leukemia

Download bmt.csv

Variable name Description
id patient id
team team id
timedeath followup time (months)
death 0 = alive, 1 = dead
timerel time to relapse (months); missing if rel = 0
rel 0 = no replase, 1 = relapse
timegvhd time to GvHD (months); missing if gvhd = 0
gvhd 0 = no GvHD, 1 = GvHD
timeanc500 time to absolute neutrophil count (ANC) above 500 cells per \(\mu\)L; missing if anc500 = 0
anc500 0 = ANC below 500, 1 = ANC above 500
sex 0 = female, 1 = male
age age (years)
all 0 = acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
1 = acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
bmonly 0 = peripheral blood/bone marrow, 1 = only bone marrow

Read data and Table 1.4

Code show/hide
bmt <- read.csv("data/bmt.csv")

with(bmt, table(rel))
   0    1 
1750  259 
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(rel)) / sum(with(bmt, table(rel)))
        0         1 
0.8710801 0.1289199 
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(death))
   0    1 
1272  737 
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(death)) / sum(with(bmt, table(death)))
        0         1 
0.6331508 0.3668492 
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(rel,death))
rel    0    1
  0 1245  505
  1   27  232
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(rel,death)) / rowSums(with(bmt, table(rel,death)))
rel         0         1
  0 0.7114286 0.2885714
  1 0.1042471 0.8957529
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(gvhd))
   0    1 
1033  976 
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(gvhd)) / sum(with(bmt, table(gvhd)))
        0         1 
0.5141862 0.4858138 
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(gvhd, rel))
gvhd   0   1
   0 865 168
   1 885  91
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(gvhd, rel)) / rowSums(with(bmt, table(gvhd, rel)))
gvhd         0         1
   0 0.8373669 0.1626331
   1 0.9067623 0.0932377
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(gvhd, death))
gvhd   0   1
   0 685 348
   1 587 389
Code show/hide
with(bmt, table(gvhd, death)) / rowSums(with(bmt, table(gvhd, death)))
gvhd         0         1
   0 0.6631171 0.3368829
   1 0.6014344 0.3985656
Code show/hide
proc import out=bmt
    dbms=csv replace;
proc freq data=bmt; 
    table rel death rel*death gvhd gvhd*rel gvhd*death; 

1.8 The Copenhagen Holter study

Download cphholter.csv

Variable name Description
id patient id
timedeath followup time (days)
death 0 = alive, 1 = dead
timeafib time to atrial fibrillation (days); missing if afib = 0
afib 0 = no atrial fibrillation, 1 = atrial fibrillation
timestroke time to stroke (days); missing if stroke = 0
stroke 0 = no stroke, 1 = stroke
sex 0 = female, 1 = male
age age (years)
smoker current smoker: 0 = no, 1 = yes
esvea excessive supra-ventricular ectopic activity: 0 = no, 1 = yes
chol cholesterol (mmol/L)
diabet diabets mellitus: 0 = no, 1 = yes
bmi body mass index (kg/m\(^2\))
aspirin aspirin use: 0 = no, 1 = yes
probnp NT-proBNP (pmol/L)
sbp systolic blood pressure (mmHg)

Read data and Table 1.5

Code show/hide
holter <- read.csv("data/cphholter.csv")
with(holter, table(esvea)) # total
  0   1 
579  99 
Code show/hide
with(holter, table(afib, stroke, death, esvea))
, , death = 0, esvea = 0

afib   0   1
   0 320  17
   1  29   7

, , death = 1, esvea = 0

afib   0   1
   0 158  25
   1  20   3

, , death = 0, esvea = 1

afib   0   1
   0  34   1
   1   8   1

, , death = 1, esvea = 1

afib   0   1
   0  32  14
   1   4   5
Code show/hide
with(subset(holter, timeafib <= timestroke),
     table(afib, stroke, death, esvea)) # 0 -> AF -> Stroke -> dead (yes/no)
, , death = 0, esvea = 0

afib 1
   1 3

, , death = 1, esvea = 0

afib 1
   1 2

, , death = 0, esvea = 1

afib 1
   1 1

, , death = 1, esvea = 1

afib 1
   1 3
Code show/hide
with(subset(holter, timestroke < timeafib), 
     table(afib, stroke, death, esvea)) # 0 -> Stroke -> AF -> dead (yes/no)
, , death = 0, esvea = 0

afib 1
   1 4

, , death = 1, esvea = 0

afib 1
   1 1

, , death = 0, esvea = 1

afib 1
   1 0

, , death = 1, esvea = 1

afib 1
   1 2
Code show/hide
proc import 
    dbms = csv

*--- Table 1.5 -------------------------------;

    proc freq data=holter; 
  title 'Total';
    tables esvea / nocol norow nopercent; 

proc freq data=holter; 
    title '';
    tables afib*stroke*death*esvea / nocol norow nopercent; 

proc freq data=holter; 
    title '0 -> AF -> Stroke -> dead (yes/no)';
    where .<timeafib <= timestroke; 
    tables afib*stroke*death*esvea / nocol norow nopercent; 

proc freq data=holter; 
    title '0 -> Stroke -> AF -> dead (yes/no)';
    where .<timestroke < timeafib; 
    tables afib*stroke*death*esvea / nocol norow nopercent; 

1.9 Small set of survival data

Only done in R.

Create data

Code show/hide
times <- c(5,6,7,8,9,12,13,15,16,20,22,23)
age <- c(12,0,0,10,6,6,9,3,8,0,0,2)
event <- c(1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1)
id <- 1:12
exitage <- age + times
simpledata <- as.data.frame(cbind(id, times, event, age, exitage))

Figure 1.8

Code show/hide
# General plotting styles 
theme_general <- theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "none",
        text = element_text(size = 20), 
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = 20), 
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 20)) 

theme_general_x <- theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "none",
        text = element_text(size = 26), 
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = 26), 
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 26)) 

# Create Figure 1.8, part (a)
fig1.8a <- ggplot(aes(x = times, y = id), data = simpledata) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = id, xend = times - 0.25, yend = id), size = 1) +
  geom_point(aes(x = times, y = id), data = subset(simpledata,event==0),
             shape = 21, size = 6, color='black', fill='white') +
  geom_point(aes(x = times, y = id), data = subset(simpledata,event==1),
             shape = 16, size = 6) +
  xlab("Time (t)") +
  ylab("Subject number") +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.005, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 25)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.005, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0.5, 12), breaks = seq(1, 12, 1)) +
  theme_general_x +
  theme(panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank())


Code show/hide
# Create Figure 1.8, part (b)
fig1.8b <- ggplot(aes(x = exitage, y = id), data = simpledata) +
  geom_segment(aes(x = age, y = id, xend = exitage - 0.25, yend = id), size = 1) +
  geom_point(aes(x = exitage, y = id), data = subset(simpledata,event==0),
             shape = 21, size = 6, color='black', fill='white') +
  geom_point(aes(x = exitage, y = id), data = subset(simpledata,event==1),
             shape = 16, size = 6) +
  xlab("Age") +
  ylab("Subject number") +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.005, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 25)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.005, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0.5, 12), breaks = seq(1, 12, 1)) +
  theme_general_x + 
  theme(legend.position = "none",
        panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(),
        panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank())


Figure 1.9

Code show/hide
# Figure 1.9 
# Kaplan-Meier time as time variable
kmfit <- survfit(Surv(times, event) ~ 1)
simpledata_km <- data.frame(surv = c(1, kmfit$surv), 
                            time = c(0, kmfit$time))

# Create Figure 1.9, part (a)
fig1.9a <- ggplot(aes(x = time, y = surv), data = simpledata_km) +
  geom_step(size = 1) +
  xlab("Time (t)") +
  ylab("Estimate of S(t)") +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 25)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1)) +


Code show/hide
# Kaplan-Meier age as time variable
kmfit2 <- survfit(Surv(age, exitage, event) ~ 1)
simpledata_km_age <- data.frame(surv = c(1, kmfit2$surv), 
                                time = c(0, kmfit2$time))

# Create Figure 1.9, part (b)
fig1.9b <- ggplot(aes(x = time, y = surv), data = simpledata_km_age) +
  geom_step(size = 1) +
  xlab("Age") +
  ylab("Estimate of S(age)") +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 25)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1)) +


Figure 1.10

Code show/hide
# Figure 1.10 

# Kaplan-Meier time as time variable
kmfit <- survfit(Surv(times, event) ~ 1)
simpledata_km <- data.frame(surv = c(1, kmfit$surv), 
                            time = c(0, kmfit$time))

# Create Figure 1.10
fig1.10 <- ggplot(mapping=aes(x = time, y = surv), data = simpledata_km) +
            aes(xmin = time, xmax = lead(time),
                ymin = 0, ymax = surv),
  geom_segment(aes(x = 12, y = -Inf, xend = 12, yend = 0.733),
  geom_step(size = 1) +
  xlab("Time (t)") +
  ylab("Estimate of S(t)") +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 25)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1)) +
  theme_general +
  annotate(geom="text",x=6, y=0.45,

Figure 1.13

Code show/hide
# Figure 1.13 

# N(t)
sfit <- survfit(Surv(times, event) ~ 1)
p1 <- data.frame(time = c(0, sfit$time, 26), 
                 n = c(0, cumsum(sfit$n.event), tail(cumsum(sfit$n.event),1)))
p2 <- data.frame(time = sfit$time[sfit$n.event==1], 
                 n = cumsum(sfit$n.event)[sfit$n.event==1]-1)
p3 <- data.frame(time = sfit$time[sfit$n.event==1], 
                 n = cumsum(sfit$n.event)[sfit$n.event==1])

# Create Figure 1.13, part (a)
fig1.13a <- ggplot(aes(x = time, y = n), data = p1) +
  geom_step(size = 1) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = time, y = n), data = p2, shape = 21, size = 6, 
             color='black', fill='white') +
  geom_point(aes(x = time, y = n), data = p3, shape = 16, size = 6) +
  xlab("Time (t)") +
  ylab("N(t)") +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.005, 0.005)), 
                     limits = c(0, 26)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 12), breaks = seq(0, 12, 1)) +


Code show/hide
# Y(t)
sfit <- survfit(Surv(times, event) ~ 1)
p1 <- data.frame(time = c(0, sfit$time, 26), 
                 risk = c(sfit$n.risk, 0, 0))
p2 <- data.frame(time = sfit$time, 
                 risk = sfit$n.risk - 1)
p3 <- data.frame(time = sfit$time, 
                 risk = sfit$n.risk)

# Create Figure 1.13, part (b)
fig1.13b <- ggplot(aes(x = time, y = risk), data = p1) +
  geom_step(size = 1) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = time, y = risk), data = p2, shape = 21, size = 6, 
             color='black', fill='white') +
  geom_point(aes(x = time, y = risk), data = p3, shape = 16, size = 6) +
  xlab("Time (t)") +
  ylab("Y(t)") +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.005, 0.005)), 
                     limits = c(0, 26)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 12), breaks = seq(0, 12, 1)) +


Code show/hide
# N(age)
asfit <- survfit(Surv(age, exitage, event) ~ 1)
p1 <- data.frame(time = c(0, asfit$time, 26), 
                 n = c(0, cumsum(asfit$n.event),tail(cumsum(asfit$n.event), 1)))
p2 <- data.frame(time = asfit$time[asfit$n.event > 0], 
                 n = cumsum(asfit$n.event)[asfit$n.event > 0])
p3 <- data.frame(time = asfit$time[asfit$n.event > 0], 
                 n = c(0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6))

# Create Figure 1.13, part (c)
fig1.13c <- ggplot(aes(x = time, y = n), data = p1) +
  geom_step(size = 1) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = time, y = n), data = p2, shape = 16, size = 6) +
  geom_point(aes(x = time, y = n), data = p3, shape = 21, size = 6, 
             color='black', fill='white') +
  xlab("Age") +
  ylab("N(age)") +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.005, 0.005)), 
                     limits = c(0, 26)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 12), breaks = seq(0, 12, 1)) +


Code show/hide
# Y(age)
atriskage <- vector(length=25)
for(i in 1:25){
  atriskage[i] <- sum((age<=i & exitage>i))

p1 <- data.frame(time = 0:26, 
                 risk = c(atriskage[1], atriskage, 0))
p2 <- data.frame(time = c(2,3,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,17,18,20,22,24,25), 
                 risk = c(5,6,7,6,7,8, 9,10, 9, 8, 5, 4, 2, 1,0))
p3 <- data.frame(time = c(2,3,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,17,18,20,22,24,25), 
                 risk = c(4,5,6,7,6,7, 8,9, 10, 9, 8, 5, 4, 2,1))

# Create Figure 1.13, part (d)
fig1.13d <- ggplot(aes(x = time, y = risk), data = p1) +
  geom_step(size = 1) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = time, y = risk), data = p2, shape = 21, size = 6, 
             color='black', fill='white') +
  geom_point(aes(x = time, y = risk), data = p3, shape = 16, size = 6) +
  xlab("Age") +
  ylab("Y(age)") +
  scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.005, 0.005)), 
                     limits = c(0, 26)) +
  scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.05)), 
                     limits = c(0, 12), breaks = seq(0, 12, 1)) +



The SAS solution is available as a single file for download:

Exercise 1.1

Consider the small data set in Table 1.6 and argue why both the average of all (12) observation times and the average of the (7) uncensored times will likely underestimate the true mean survival time from entry into the study.

The average of all 12 observation times: \[\frac{5+6+7+8+9+12+13+15+16+20+22+23}{12} = \frac{156}{12} = 13.00\] will under-estimate the mean survival time because 5 of the terms in the sum, i.e., those corresponding to right-censored observations, are known to be smaller than the true survival times.

The average of the 7 uncensored observations: \[\frac{5+7+8+13+15+16+23}{7}=\frac{87}{7} = 12.43\] is also likely to under-estimate the mean because right-censoring will typically cause the longer survival times in the population to be incompletely observed. E.g., survival times longer than the time elapsed from the beginning of the study to its end will always be right-censored.

Exercise 1.2


Consider the following records mimicking the Copenhagen Holter study (Example 1.1.8) in wide format and transform them into long format, i.e., create one data set for each of the possible six transitions in Figure 1.7.

Data can (partly) be converted to long format using the msprep function from the mstate package. However, we must first add indicators of whether the subjects transitioned to AF, stroke and death during the study. Furthermore, we have to fill in timeafib, timestroke and timedeath for all subjects, such that they correspond to the last time where transitions to the states AF, stroke and death are possible. Lastly, we need to specify a transition matrix.

Code show/hide
Code show/hide
# The table from the exercise
id <- factor(1:8)
timeafib <- c(NA, 10, NA, 15, NA, 30, NA, 25)
timestroke <- c(NA, NA, 20, 30, NA, NA, 35, 50)
timedeath <- c(NA, NA, NA, NA, 70, 75, 95, 65)
lastobs <- c(100, 90, 80, 85, 70, 75, 95, 65)
cbind(id, timeafib, timestroke, timedeath, lastobs)
     id timeafib timestroke timedeath lastobs
[1,]  1       NA         NA        NA     100
[2,]  2       10         NA        NA      90
[3,]  3       NA         20        NA      80
[4,]  4       15         30        NA      85
[5,]  5       NA         NA        70      70
[6,]  6       30         NA        75      75
[7,]  7       NA         35        95      95
[8,]  8       25         50        65      65
Code show/hide
# Creating status indicators
afib <- ifelse(is.na(timeafib), 0, 1)
stroke <- ifelse(is.na(timestroke), 0, 1)
death <- ifelse(is.na(timedeath), 0, 1)

# Last time point at risk for a transition to each state
timedeath <- lastobs
timestroke <- ifelse(is.na(timestroke), timedeath, timestroke)
timeafib <- ifelse(is.na(timeafib), timestroke, timeafib)
wide_data <- as.data.frame(cbind(id, timeafib, timestroke, 
                                 timedeath, afib, stroke, death))

# Creating the transition matrix without the Stroke to AF transition
tmat <- matrix(NA,4,4)
tmat[1, 2:4] <- 1:3
tmat[2, 3:4] <- 4:5
tmat[3, 4] <- 6
dimnames(tmat) <- list(from = c("No event", "AF", "Stroke", "Death"), 
                       to = c("No event", "AF", "Stroke", "Death"))
from       No event AF Stroke Death
  No event       NA  1      2     3
  AF             NA NA      4     5
  Stroke         NA NA     NA     6
  Death          NA NA     NA    NA
Code show/hide
# Using msprep to create data in long format
long_data <- msprep(time = c(NA, "timeafib", "timestroke", "timedeath"),
                    status = c(NA, "afib", "stroke", "death"),
                    trans = tmat, data = wide_data) 

# Now, the Stroke to AF transition is added manually


stroketoaf$from <- 3
stroketoaf$to <- 2
stroketoaf$trans <- 7
stroketoaf$Tstart <- stroketoaf$timestroke
stroketoaf$Tstop <- ifelse(stroketoaf$timeafib>stroketoaf$timestroke,timeafib,timedeath)
stroketoaf$status <- ifelse(stroketoaf$timeafib>stroketoaf$timestroke,1,0)
stroketoaf$time <- stroketoaf$Tstop - stroketoaf$Tstart
stroketoaf_long <- subset(stroketoaf, select = c(id,from,to,trans,Tstart,Tstop,time,status)) 

# and added to the data set created my msprep

finaldata <- rbind(long_data,stroketoaf_long)
An object of class 'msdata'

  id from to trans Tstart Tstop time status
1  1    1  2     1      0   100  100      0
2  1    1  3     2      0   100  100      0
3  1    1  4     3      0   100  100      0
4  2    1  2     1      0    10   10      1
5  2    1  3     2      0    10   10      0
6  2    1  4     3      0    10   10      0

Create the data.

Code show/hide
data wide_data;
input id timeafib timestroke timedeath lastobs;
1 . . . 100
2 10 . . 90
3 . 20 . 80
4 15 30 . 85
5 . . 70 70
6 30 . 75 75 
7 . 35 95 95
8 25 50 65 65

To convert the data into long format we must first add indicators of whether the subjects transited to AF, stroke and death during the study. Furthermore, we have to fill in timeafib, timestroke and timedeath for all subjects, such that they correspond to the last time where transitions to AF, stroke and death are possible.

We can now create a long format version of the data, i.e. for each subject all relevant transitions h->j correspond to one row in the data set and where trans: transition h -> j:

  • Tstart: Time of entry into h

  • Tstop: Time last seen in h

  • Status: Transition to j or not at time Tstop

The seven possible transitions are:

  1. 0 -> AF

  2. 0 -> Stroke

  3. 0 -> Dead

  4. AF -> Stroke

  5. AF -> Dead

  6. Stroke -> Dead

  7. Stroke -> AF

Code show/hide
data wide_data;
    set wide_data;
    * Introducing indicators for transitions and last time at risk in each state.;
    if timedeath = . then do; death = 0; end; else do death = 1; end;
    if death = 0 then timedeath = lastobs;
    if timestroke = . then do; stroke = 0; timestroke = timedeath; end; else do; stroke = 1; end;
    if timeafib = . then do; afib = 0; timeafib = timedeath; end; else do; afib = 1; end;

proc print data = wide_data; run;

data long_data;
    set wide_data;
    * Path: 0;
    if ((afib = 0) and (stroke = 0) and (death = 0)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> AF;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 0) and (death = 0)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> Stroke;
    if ((afib = 0) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 0)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> AF -> Stroke;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 0) and (timestroke >= timeafib)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> Stroke -> AF;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 0) and (timestroke < timeafib)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> Dead;
    if ((afib = 0) and (stroke = 0) and (death = 1)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 1; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> AF -> Dead;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 0) and (death = 1)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 1; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> Stroke -> Death;
    if ((afib = 0) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 1)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 1; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> AF -> Stroke -> Dead;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 1) and (timestroke >= timeafib)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output; 
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 1; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> Stroke -> AF -> Dead;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 1) and (timestroke < timeafib)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 1; output; 
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output; end;
    keep id trans Tstart Tstop status;

proc print data = long_data; run;


Do the same for the entire data set.

Read the Copenhagen Holter Study data set.

Code show/hide
chs_data <- read.csv("data/cphholter.csv")

We can then repeat the procedure for the full data set:

Code show/hide
chs_data$timestroke <- ifelse(is.na(chs_data$timestroke),
                              chs_data$timedeath, chs_data$timestroke)
chs_data$timeafib <- ifelse(is.na(chs_data$timeafib),
                            chs_data$timestroke, chs_data$timeafib)

chs_long <- msprep(time = c(NA, "timeafib", "timestroke", "timedeath"),
                   status = c(NA, "afib", "stroke", "death"),
                   trans = tmat, data = chs_data)


chs_stroketoaf$from <- 3
chs_stroketoaf$to <- 2
chs_stroketoaf$trans <- 7
chs_stroketoaf$Tstart <- chs_stroketoaf$timestroke
chs_stroketoaf$Tstop <- ifelse(chs_stroketoaf$timeafib>chs_stroketoaf$timestroke,chs_stroketoaf$timeafib,chs_stroketoaf$timedeath)
chs_stroketoaf$status <- ifelse(chs_stroketoaf$timeafib>chs_stroketoaf$timestroke,1,0)
chs_stroketoaf$time <- chs_stroketoaf$Tstop - chs_stroketoaf$Tstart
chs_stroketoaf_long <- subset(chs_stroketoaf, select = c(id,from,to,trans,Tstart,Tstop,time,status)) 

chs_finaldata <- rbind(chs_long,chs_stroketoaf_long)
An object of class 'msdata'

  id from to trans Tstart Tstop time status
1  1    1  2     1      0  5396 5396      0
2  1    1  3     2      0  5396 5396      0
3  1    1  4     3      0  5396 5396      0
4  2    1  2     1      0  5392 5392      0
5  2    1  3     2      0  5392 5392      0
6  2    1  4     3      0  5392 5392      0

NB: We get a warning because 5 subjects have two events on the same day. This will be handled if necessary for further analyses.

We can now repeat the procedure from above to transform the entire Copenhagen Holter Study data set into long format.

Code show/hide
proc import out = chs_data
  datafile = 'data/cphholter.csv'
  dbms= csv replace;

    data chs_long;
    set chs_data;
    if timestroke = . then timestroke = timedeath;
    if timeafib = . then timeafib = timedeath;
    * Path: 0;
    if ((afib = 0) and (stroke = 0) and (death = 0)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> AF;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 0) and (death = 0)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> Stroke;
    if ((afib = 0) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 0)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> AF -> Stroke;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 0) and (timestroke >= timeafib)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> Stroke -> AF;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 0) and (timestroke < timeafib)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> Dead;
    if ((afib = 0) and (stroke = 0) and (death = 1)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timedeath; status = 1; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> AF -> Dead;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 0) and (death = 1)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 1; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> Stroke -> Death;
    if ((afib = 0) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 1)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 1; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> AF -> Stroke -> Dead;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 1) and (timestroke >= timeafib)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output; 
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 1; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output; end;
    * Path: 0 -> Stroke -> AF -> Dead;
    if ((afib = 1) and (stroke = 1) and (death = 1) and (timestroke < timeafib)) then do;
    trans = 1; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 2; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 1; output;
    trans = 3; Tstart = 0; Tstop = timestroke; status = 0; output;
    trans = 4; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 0; output;
    trans = 5; Tstart = timeafib; Tstop = timedeath; status = 1; output; 
    trans = 6; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timeafib; status = 0; output; 
    trans = 7; Tstart = timestroke; Tstop = timeafib; status = 1; output; end;
    keep id trans Tstart Tstop status;

proc print data = chs_long; run;

Exercise 1.3 (*)


Derive Equations (1.2) and (1.3) for, respectively, the survival function in the two-state model (Figure 1.1) and the cumulative incidence function in the competing risks model (Figure 1.2).

The hazard function \[\alpha(t)=\lim_{dt\rightarrow 0}P(T\leq t+dt\mid T>t)/dt\] equals \[\alpha(t)=\frac{f(t)}{S(t)}=\frac{-(d/dt) S(t)}{S(t)}=-(d/dt)\log S(t)\] where \(f(t)\) is the density function for \(T\) and, thereby, \(S(t)=\exp(-\int_0^t\alpha(u)du)\).

The cause \(h\) cumulative incidence is the probability of failing from cause \(h\) during \([0,t]\). This is the integral of the infinitesimal probabilities of failing in \((u,u+du)\) for \(0\leq u\leq t\). The probability of failing in \((u,u+du)\) is, by definition of the cause-\(h\)-specific hazard, equal to \(S(u)\alpha_h(u)du\) and the desired result \[Q_h(t)=\int_0^tS(u)\alpha_h(u)du\] follows.


Show, for the Markov illness-death model (Figure 1.3), that the state occupation probability for state 1 at time \(t\), \(Q_1(t)\), is \[\int_0^t\exp\left(-\int_0^u(\alpha_{01}(x)+\alpha_{02}(x))dx\right)\alpha_{01}(u)\exp\left(-\int_u^t\alpha_{12}(x)dx\right)du.\]

The probability \(P_{11}(u,t)\) of staying in state 1 from time \(u\) to time \(t\) is given by \(\exp(-\int_u^t\alpha_{12}(x)dx)\) and combining this with the argument from the previous question, i.e., that the (infinitesimal) probability \(\exp(-\int_0^u(\alpha_{01}(x)+\alpha_{02}(x))dx)\alpha_{01}(u)du\), of moving from state 0 to state 1 during \((u, u+du)\), the desired result is obtained by integration over \(u\) from 0 to \(t\).

Exercise 1.4 (*)

Argue (intuitively) how the martingale property \(E(M(t)\mid {\cal H}_{s})=M(s)\) follows from \(E(dM(t)\mid {\cal H}_{t-})=0\) (Section 1.4.3).

Because \(M(s)\) is adapted to the history \({\cal H}_s\) we get \[E(M(t)\mid {\cal F}_s)-M(s)=E(M(t)-M(s)\mid {\cal H}_s).\] We write the difference \(M(t)-M(s)\) as the sum of increments \[=E(\int_{(s,t]}dM(u)\mid {\cal H}_s)\] and change the order of integration and expectation \[=\int_{(s,t]}E(dM(u)\mid {\cal H}_s).\] We finally use the `principle of repeated conditioning’ to obtain the desired result of 0 \[=\int_{(s,t]}E(E(dM(u)\mid {\cal H}_{u-})\mid {\cal H}_s)=0.\]